On December 21st, a Thai girl was seen dancing while wearing a mask at the year-end party of Plusfoam Packaging (CEO Hongjoo Noh), a Korean BOI company located in Chonburi, Thailand. This was a fun shot.
지난 12월21일, 태국 촌부리에 있는 한국 BOI기업인 플러스폼 패키징(대표이사 노홍주) 송년회에서 한 태국 소녀가 가면을 쓰고 춤추는 모습이 재미있어 한컷.
On December 21st, a Thai girl was seen dancing while wearing a mask at the year-end party of Plusfoam Packaging (CEO Hongjoo Noh), a Korean BOI company located in Chonburi, Thailand. This was a fun shot.
지난 12월21일, 태국 촌부리에 있는 한국 BOI기업인 플러스폼 패키징(대표이사 노홍주) 송년회에서 한 태국 소녀가 가면을 쓰고 춤추는 모습이 재미있어 한컷.